How to display the amount of chatters and the user list on my home page?
Step 1: Open the chat room setting file (.\room\RoomName.ini) with notepad
and set EnableScript=True.
Step 2: Modify your hompage, insert these two scripts:
<script src="http://yourip/script?counter"></script>
<script src="http://yourip/script?list"></script>
For more information, please read "EnableScript".
To see the demo, please open chat room "Demo2" and visit the login page.
* The script <script src="http://yourip/script?counter"></script>
will return the amount of chatters inside your chat room.
* The script <script src="http://yourip/script?list"></script>will return the user list of your chat room.
* You need to change "YourIP" to your chat room's IP address.